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Group Insurance Claims

We offer Direct Billing to most Insurance Companies!


Although we are able to provide the service of direct billing, not all insurance companies allow payment to go directly to the clinic (which means payment will go directly to the patient).

If this is the case, then the patient must pay for the service or product at the time of purchase and submit directly to their insurance company.

We offer Direct Billing to the following Insurance Companies

Blue Cross (Ontario & Alberta)

Chambers of Commerce





First Canadian

Great-West Life

Green Shield

Industrial Alliance

Johnson Group


Maximum Benefit

Nextgen RX


RWAM Insurance Administrators Inc

SSQ Financial

Standard Life

Sun Life Financial

Ontario Works (Social Services)

Ontario Disability (ODSP)

Refugee & Immigration (IFH Paper)

First Nation & Indian Affair

Veteran Affair (VAC)

Safety Companies (Securo Vision & 3M Safety)

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